Well, the memorial garden is going to take a little longer than I had hoped for. I have been in denial about the great presence of rock on that side of the yard and as it turns out, about four inches below the wonderful sandy loam, is nothing but a solid sheet of rock! Alas, it just means I will need to build the bed up, but that might take some time, as it measures close to 35 feet long and 5 feet wide. That is some serious dirt hauling, but it will get done. The good news is, that should be the only bed I need to raise. In light of that discovery, I decided I would start the first phase of another bed I have been designing in my head since we sat on the porch the first night. I am pleased to report that sandy loam really is da bomb, as it's pretty easy to clear the grass out for new plants. Oh, I still got a few blisters and my back is not very happy with me, but it's so worth the final results. As a cherry on the top of the sunday, what better way to put my garden in that with a beautiful overcast day, the dogs puttering about and helping me garden while my sweet husband sits out on the porch watching Sunday afternoon football and keeping me company. God is so VERY good.
Here's the bed ready to go after some shoveling.
My little helpers
The first phase almost complete. Now to get the mulch in. More to come in the spring!