Friday, October 28, 2011

A letter to my Sadie love

My Precious one,
Oh how I love you...there is just nothing in the world like the bond between a girl and her dog. I remember so vividly how we met. I was driving back to work from lunch and there you were, trotting along the service road of a highway nearby. I remember stopping and offering you a lift and while you weren't very fond of doors at the time, you let me help you in. It was a good thing my next client was a dog lover or I might have had more explaining to do regarding our furry friend that tagged along for his massage. You were so skinny but so sweet....I just had to take you home. I was sad that I had to leave you out in the backyard all alone right after finding you, but I had to go back to work and I knew my husband would check on you. Of course he did way more than that, he sat with you for hours until I arrived home and we could give you a proper introduction to our pack. Those hours you two spent together created such a special life time were always a daddy's girl. You fit in like you had always been there and oh how I loved watching you learn to be a dog. I remember being startled and pleasantly surprised when you barked for the first time. After that, you were a natural.
You were such a quirky dog, in a sweet and endearing sort of way. I don't think there will ever be a time when I sneeze at home that I don't look for you to come running to me to make it stop. I will miss how you carried your poor deflated soccer ball around in your mouth, whining as you searched the house for the perfect place to hide the "baby." I don't know that I've ever seen another dog try to roll up a hill of grass just to reach the perfect spot on their back, but you did.
My time with you here is this world will never be enough, and yet the wear of the years on your body is now more evident than I care to admit. God blessed me and my family with an amazing gift in your devoted and oh so precious life and I am grateful for every minute I've had with you.
My precious, precious girl, you have made my journey in this world so much richer than I could have ever dreamed and my heart will never again be totally complete until we meet again.
I love you Sadie girl.

Jan 10, 2000 - Oct 28, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Fall Stroll

Fall is almost in the air, which means it's time for pumpkins and mums! One of the combos I always enjoy. I had a straw bale that I never used in the spring and decided before it went to the compost pile, it would make a great addition to my front fall display!

My pink knockouts have certainly been happy with some of the recent rains and cooler weather. The wild morning glories add a nice touch to the backdrop I think.

Here's a plant that has risen from the dead that I was happy to see. Not quite enough shade for my holly ferns here, so I will be giving them a new home in the spring.
This is another contribution from my friend and I have absolutely no idea what it is. It's a great fall bloomer though. I was about to give up on any blooms and then they exploded. However, I didn't realize the plant got so big, so relocation will happen for this guy too.
This little fella got eaten by the datmansia this summer, but the dat has collapsed from getting so big, it was just in time to enjoy the sweet little flowers that mexican mint marigold has to share.

I absolutely love mums! I was sad to loose several plants to the drought this year, but thankfully this one got enough shade to keep it from burning up. I love the daisy like look of these and they just pop in the afternoon shade.

Here is the first series purchase of my new found obsession, roses. I got Belinda's Dream in the ground last week and she hasn't even been phased by the change in scenery. I love, love, love the blooms. I can't wait to see how she grows.
I couldn't resist taking this shot of my sweet girl. She couldn't resist the newly dug bed and a perfect new place to plop. She's been feeling really puny this week but still enjoys the cool ground in the evenings. Hopefully she will be back to her old self soon. In the meantime, I am glad that the garden can bring her some comfort.
I love the wild morning glories, but boy they can eat other plants. I debated pulling it off the sedum, but again I like the mix of the blooms.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


A great shot of my Datmansia blooming like crazy in the middle of the heat and drought. I got it at a plant swap in May and it was not so big! I absolutely love this plant.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Where have I been?

Well, it was a busy and great summer and I plan on catching up soon, but in the meantime, I thought I would take you on a stroll and see what is blooming in my backyard this evening.
This is about the time last year when I started my gardens, so it's very rewarding to see what has blossomed this past year!

This bed took off way faster than I anticipated. I didn't realize how much the lady in red would like her new home. You can see the blue plumbago peaking out with a volunteer marigold..what a striking look. I think marigolds will be planted with the plumbago in it's new home next year.

This shot is a real "ahhhh" moment for me. When I started designing these beds, I took into account the views from different angels, but wasn't sure if I was on track. When I went to put away the swim toys for the season, I glanced over and this is what I saw. I just can't wait to start adding the next phase!
Here is my unexpected palm tree. I went hunting for some old garden roses and stumbled upon this guy in the process. I've been keeping my eyes open for this mediterranean palm all summer with no luck and then I found this guy. Pretty good price too. This bed will be going out farther, but that was enough grass to dig out for now. It will be easier when it's dormant.

These are a recent contribution from my gardening friend Carrie. She has been very instrumental in getting my gardens a great start. I think every time I come home from her place, I have a carload full. Not to mention, she has some amazing gardens. Such inspiration.
This is my one potato vine that I planted in what is really a very small garden space. Just between the decking and the deck. It's the monster that ate the deck, and the grill, and the sidewalk. I have given this guy quite a few haircuts this year. Definitely a repeat for next year, but I think I will add some pink muhly in the middle. What a nice contrast of textures that will be!
This is a cultiver that will definitely bring a smile to your face. One of the joys of getting the gardens started this year is that the girls now how new places to nest and adventure.
This is a another shot of my little girl garden. The knockouts on the left were a gift from one of my clients. The Lady in Red salvia and the Henry Dahlberg are from my friend Carrie, the ladybanks came with the house, the iris are from my mother and grandmother's gardens (both gone, so extra special), and I bought the catmint, mexican sage and lantana with birthday money.
More to come soon! Happy Fall!