Fall is almost in the air, which means it's time for pumpkins and mums! One of the combos I always enjoy. I had a straw bale that I never used in the spring and decided before it went to the compost pile, it would make a great addition to my front fall display!

My pink knockouts have certainly been happy with some of the recent rains and cooler weather. The wild morning glories add a nice touch to the backdrop I think.

Here's a plant that has risen from the dead that I was happy to see. Not quite enough shade for my holly ferns here, so I will be giving them a new home in the spring.

This is another contribution from my friend and I have absolutely no idea what it is. It's a great fall bloomer though. I was about to give up on any blooms and then they exploded. However, I didn't realize the plant got so big, so relocation will happen for this guy too.

This little fella got eaten by the datmansia this summer, but the dat has collapsed from getting so big, it was just in time to enjoy the sweet little flowers that mexican mint marigold has to share.

I absolutely love mums! I was sad to loose several plants to the drought this year, but thankfully this one got enough shade to keep it from burning up. I love the daisy like look of these and they just pop in the afternoon shade.

Here is the first series purchase of my new found obsession, roses. I got Belinda's Dream in the ground last week and she hasn't even been phased by the change in scenery. I love, love, love the blooms. I can't wait to see how she grows.

I couldn't resist taking this shot of my sweet girl. She couldn't resist the newly dug bed and a perfect new place to plop. She's been feeling really puny this week but still enjoys the cool ground in the evenings. Hopefully she will be back to her old self soon. In the meantime, I am glad that the garden can bring her some comfort.

I love the wild morning glories, but boy they can eat other plants. I debated pulling it off the sedum, but again I like the mix of the blooms.
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