As we settle in to our dream home, I find my ADD at it's finest when I go outside these days. So many projects and not enough time in the day. Of course, now that I have some free time again, it is so very nice to be able to go out and putter around the yard when things are quiet. Of course the down side to that is I tend to stay in hermit mode because I have so many things I want to do at home. It feels as though it been a decade since I've really had time to dedicate to my love of gardening ( well, I guess it's been half a decade) and it feels so incredibly wonderful to be back.
Of course my body has let me know that indeed five years have passed and while I am still young, I can't quite pull off what I used to without paying a price. Oh well, nothing some aleve and a heating pad won't fix.
The latest quest has been to remove 20 years worth of asian jasmine ( or as we call it in this house, EVIL asian jasmine) out of a raised bed that has so much potential. I have also added a neighboring bed and have been relocating some of the plants that needed a more well suited home. My goodness, nothing has been thinned out in, well, probably never.
I am so happy that we are having some nice days in January so I can get these projects done so when the spring arrives, I can get to the juicy stuff and start planting my vision!
Here's how the progress is going!