One of my biggest goals has been to go back and make up for my haste to put in so many new beds my first year. I had forgotten how unforgiving bermuda grass can be if you leave even a tiny hair of root in the ground, so slowly but surely I am going back and digging out the grass, putting down a heavy layer of newspaper down and mulching around the plants.
Another goal is to get rid of all the grass surrounding the pool. Nothing like fishing it out of the water for days! I started at the end where a small bed had already been established and just expanded it. I finally got my palm replacement in, now if I can just keep it alive. I am hopeful that palm trees do not go in my category of plants that I kill ( don't we all have a few?).
I am a Disney Nut! One of my plans for the garden is to have bits of Disney throughout the garden. While shopping with my SIL and niece and nephew, we stumbled across this great decorative stone. It is especially dear to me because of heart dog looked much like Eeyore, hanging his head low when I would not give him tomatoes from the veggie garden.
Here we see my new squirrel prof bird feeder that so far, the birds detest! I may have to trade it in for another platform feeder and just endure the squirrels.
I finally got the repairs done on my deck and have power washed it myself (that was a fun adventure). I still need to do some sanding in places before putting the stain on, but with these March winds in May, I may never get a chance to stain. I was dismayed to learn that growing roses up the pergola is probably not a great idea, as it was apparently not built sturdy enough for that according to my handyman. I had planned on climbing pinkie. I do have a fairy rose that is already going crazy on the other side, I am going to let her go and see what happens.
I finally found someone with a trailer willing to get me some compost and mulch from the city and spend a few hours shoveling and dumping. Now it will be fun to wittle the pile down. I have a feeling it will go fast.
These shots are for my cuz! I just had the great joy of introducing her to gardening and know that of course, she needs to have some of the family iris from our memaw's and my mother's garden.
Also, here are some of mama's daylilies that are blooming their heads off right now.