At least I think so. I can't remember the last time we had a spring this cool that lasted this late into the season. Here it is the third week in April and we are still getting nights that are in the 40's and 50's!
Of course this the year I have finally set aside time to build a veggie bed and yet my poor veggies have yet to be put in. I think I will bite the bullet and do it this weekend. Mama always told me that my birthday (woot, this week!) was kinda the magic time when it should be safe to plant.
It's not very big, but I thought it would be a great starting place for some yummy home growns.

I always blow through garden gloves. As much as I prefer to garden with naked hands, between keeping my hands somewhat in check for work and more roses, I wear them now more often that not.
This is my super special pair that I know are going to wear out on me eventually, but I try not to wear them all the time, just to make them last longer. They were my mama's gardening gloves. Growing up in her gardens were inspirational...I am always grateful that she passed the bug onto me!

I love that I have my little helpers to keep an eye out when I am working hard in the beds....they do a great job of overseeing things.

There are many more plans for this year. We will see what I can get done. I am very excited that 2 new smaller beds will go in this week! Super excited that I got to hire someone else to dig the grass out this time AND put in some super yummy compost to get things going.
In the meantime, a 3 days weekend, good weather and sunscreen = lots of time to get busy playing in the yard!