Saturday, June 2, 2012

Working Hard

Not much difference to you, the viewer, probably, but I have been working like crazy! Mostly digging grass out of the flower beds and laying newspapers down and mulch. I still have to work on the back of the beds, but ahhhh, the front of one of my bigger beds is finally done. The big pile of mulch I posted the last time, gone!

I also finally got the old trellis up that I have been wanting to recycle! I liked the design, and if you
 look, it has Mickey ears! At the base, Climbing Pinkie! It should look great in a few years....she is strategically placed on the fence between two vitex planted a bit further up!

Last year, we had an abundance of Cardinals, this year, the theme is Blue Jays. They love hanging out and don't even seem to mind the Sam too much ( he is our little tornado).
Once I finally got the grass dug out of this little space, I discovered that my potato vine from last year survived and had come back, so I am glad I found my little chartruse treasure.
I love this daylilly!!
And these cannas!

Henry dalhburg

and my tropical Hibiscus!

This weekend entails whittling down the compost pile and you guessed it, digging out more grass! This time it's on to the memorial garden.

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