A few days ago, I lost track of one of my bathing suit tops.
You see, we generally leave our suites out on the back patio to dry after swimming, draped over a lounge chair on the porch to be specific.
I have been rather miffed by the recent disappearance but figured the missing top was somewhere lost in a dirty laundry pile.
I was relaxing in the pool after a swim tonight and was just kinda gazing up into the sky, looking around at the trees, just really enjoying the blessing that is my backyard paradise and imagine my surprise when I spied my missing swim top dangling off a limb high up in our cedar tree!! I busted out laughing so hard I scared the wildlife off...I think the crickets even stopped chirping for a minute, not to mention I think I snorted some pool water. Just not something or someplace I would expect to find the missing top. It reminded me of the shoes I see hanging from power lines from time to time and you always wonder how they got there?
I would have loved to have seen whether bird or critter when they were trying to haul my top off and what their plans for it were. I definitely have that moment in my celestial bookmarks now!!
This is still just too funny. I hope some little critter has bade a happy and colorful home with your garment. Now, keep your things inside ;o)