As usual, my project list is long and and my desire to accomplish less grass and more plants is ongoing. However, there are lots of hardscape projects on the agenda this spring.
First on the agenda is the pool area. There is a little strip of weedy grass between the decking and the flower bed I put in last year and it's been driving me nuts. More specifically, pretty much all of the grass around the pool, because every time I mow, guess where the grass goes? But around the pool is alot of ground to cover at one time, so I decided to start with the part that we see when we look out the window.
I have a new supervisor in the mix this spring and he's been very good at helping out. Not so good at moving when I get to his spot, but thankfully, his sister will get his attention elsewhere and eventually he will run off to see what she is doing.
I got my first batch of flagstones home (400lbs.) and laid them out to see how my grading was and to see if I liked it. With all of the rain this week, I definitely need to regrade a bit, but I also decided I wanted to flank the flagstone with a river rock border. I already have the river rock, it's just a matter of getting everything in place. I should hopefully be completing this project in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for updates.
I do actually have a few things blooming besides weeds right unknown yellow rose that was rescued from a friend's trash is oh so happy and blooming away in the front beds.
And my goodness , I don't think I realized that flat leafed parsley could get this big! The curly leaf is really happy too.
Then there is the not so know that great post about all of the wonderful garden plants my sweet hubby bought me last year?? Including my special big 4 0 palm tree? Somehow, I managed to kill it. It survived all summer and most of the winter. I really did try to baby it, but it just gave up. I was really sad.
Thankfully my husband is not mad and actually, I found a great deal on a replacement that was alot more palm for the money, so I guess there was a sorta good side. As soon as the ground dries out a bit, our new palm will go in it's new home.
That flagstone is looking fabulous! What a lot of hard work - but it looks quite professional so far. Your yellow rose bloom is so pretty. How nice that you rescued it. Sorry about the palm. Hope your new one works out better.