I still remember it so vividly, as if it were yesterday. It was unexpected, it was devastating...but it was a blessing for her....as the Lord knew the exact right moment to call her home, and as much as I miss her everyday, I am grateful that she no longer worries or is in pain and knows no fear or anxiety. She is free, she is at peace and she is now our guardian angel...
Every year, my brother and I take a trip down memory lane and go visit the sacred spot where we scattered her ashes.
A place in the country on a hill by a tree....that overlooks hills and valleys
and is a magnificent spot to watch some of the most amazing sunsets you've ever seen.

We talk about how much we miss her and about what she would think of where we are now, and that we are thankful for the blessing that she was in our lives.
This year, we did something that I have wanted to do since the first anniversary, but never have. We brought wildflower seeds to scatter.
I realize that it would be just about an act of God for them to germinate with no love to give them once they are on the ground, but I figure a little faith and some cow manure might just do the trick. Alas, I will keep scattering seeds each year to come with the hopes of someday creating an ongoing living memorial.
We take a few pictures of the house we used to know as a special place for our family and discuss how if we ever won the lottery, we would buy it back and restore it to it's old glory.
We cherish the time together as brother and sister...catching up, sharing memories and enjoying the sacred time that is just the two of us.
Before we can leave, it is tradition to always stop for lunch at one of our favorite local haunts...and we indulge in some of the best comfort food around.
We celebrate her life and her legacy and know that God is good.
That is such a beautiful happy picture of your mom. She was a beautiful lady.