I finally feel like I am starting to get the feeling I wanted to create out by the pool! All of the plants and hardscape are now it and it's just wait and see how it fills in.
We have had another addition that I had not anticipated this year! Not that I am encouraging it, but it is cool to look out the window and see this.
Since DisneyWorld is not on the agenda this year, I thought I would bring a little of the magic to the garden this year. I really LOVE this!
Oh, and finally, I got my veggie plot in. You might notice the bricks are different from the last post. I just didn't like the rustic look for that area, so I swapped them out with the bricks I used for mama's memorial garden at the last house. I do love recycling materials. I think this looks much better. However, looking at this I am realized the shrubs need a serious haircut!
Looking great!! Especially in person :)