Monday, March 21, 2011

The latest project: Operation Get ready for Summer

One of the things on our to do list is updating and resurfacing the pool. We knew it needed some TLC when we moved in, but had managed to put it off until now. With summer just around the corner, we thought it was time to take the plunge. Here's our progress so far. (Note the special supervision the tile layer received!)


Tile going in:

As my hubby pointed out, this will be the only time we can see the pool light shining opposite of it's intended direction. Looks kinda neat reflecting off the foliage.


  1. Looks like a lot of work. But it will great to have this summer! Hope the work goes well and is up to the 'supervisor's' approval!

  2. It looks awesome. I hope we can come help test it out....

  3. thanks Holly!

    Well duh Tricia, of course you will be helping break it in! :)
