They continue to get to know each other and Tasha is becoming more comfortable with him, even when he is testing her patience.
The other big discoveries this week are the joys of digging (Oh boy, spring gardening is going to be interesting). He only digs when I am, but wow, he can do some serious damage in a hurry. Good thing he listens when I tell him to stop. We missed the shot, but when he emerged from his hole, his snout and eyebrows were covered in dirt, it was super cute, even if he was being a bit naughty.
He has learned that he likes the furniture and that it makes a super comfy place to sleep. the couch is a new favorite in addition to Sadie's chair. That is bittersweet for us as we still miss Sadie so much, but as our dogs do, we try and live in the moment. We know Sadie would have shared her chair, so must we.
He did really well with the family over Thanksgiving and while he still felt more secure in his kennel with the crowd, he did eventually come out and mingle with the crowd.
We were highly amused that Tasha, who has never been kenneled, has become curious about this place that Sam hangs out and as of late, deposits his latest favorite toys. When he was off doing something else, we caught her checking out his digs ( and his toy stash).