We knew we needed to find a companion for our lil girl and it has been a good distraction from the grief. We have poured through petfinder looking for a glimmer of who might be the right dog for our family. We've been to adopt and pets and one rescue brought several dogs to us for Tasha to take for a "test drive." She's pretty picky about the canine company she keeps, so the right temperament has been important.
So, Sunday night, we met him....the new addition that was meant to be in our pack. His story is that he was found wandering on a country road in the middle of nowhere and has lived the last year and a half at a shelter. He's about 3-4 years old and is way too skinny....but his eyes are soulful and his spirit gentle and submissive. Once we met him and got Tasha's paw of approval, we could not get him home fast enough.
Finally last night, our boy came home. Overwhelmed, scared and already worn out from getting shots and a bath before he was brought to us. We had his crate waiting for him, which was a blessing as it seems that it was familiar and comfortable with the added bonus of being inside, something we learned he has most likely never experienced. We had to coax him in from the backyard when we took him out to potty but once he figured out that he got to stay inside, it's hard to get him outside. He slept hard his first night...a lot to take in. We just can't wait to show him the life of a dog in our home. Tasha is still not actively engaging him, but doesn't mind him either ( a big thing for her). We look forward to all of the new adventures and for a while, my garden blog may be more of a dog blog..but I can't think of a better forget me not.
Welcome home Sam!!
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