Like the little caterpillar coming out of it's cocoon, our Sammy boy is starting to blossom into a sweet and curious boy. It's been 48 hours since he came home to us and I am already finding so much joy in getting to know him. He is a quick learn and is already falling into the routine of our home. He does love meal times...poor guy is very skinny right now..he is a submissive dog and living in a shelter environment with, I am guessing, group feedings, he had to eat fast in hopes of getting a full meal. It makes my heart so sad. He is really enjoying his chicken, I just hope one day in the future, he won't feel the need to eat as quickly as possible.
Shortly after I went to bed last night, the hubby came and got me up so that I could see that our boy had found a bone and had taken it back to his crate to brush his teeth. It warms my heart that he is starting to feel like part of the family, that he can take a toy (which I don't think he knows much about them) and not feel threatened. It is especially endearing to me because my soul dog, Buddha, used to do the very same thing every night. It was what lulled me to sleep.
I was pleased this morning to see him coming out of his crate more and exploring. He is a smart boy and already knows that the utility room is where the frig is that has their food. It was the first place in the house that he felt comfortable wandering to. He likes to go there a lot. My husband mentioned we may have to rename it the "noms" room! He also has figured out that he can get on the counter and in the kitchen sink...he is learning quickly that that is a no no with a snap and a "no." I don't think I have ever had a dog that catches on so quickly. It's neat. Of course we also realized we may be changing our door knobs soon if he figures out how to open the doors. He has a nose like our beagle used to have and can sniff out anything remotely tasty.
He is getting comfortable investigating the backyard and likes his walks, although I will be so happy when he doesn't cower when I get the leash. I know it will take time for him to realize that he is home forever.
Tasha is warming up to him slowly. It's been a lot of change for her recently and I know she is still grieving Sadie, as we all are..but Sam is a great distraction. He has been a complete gentleman with her, giving her the space she needs to accept him. There was a "drive my" nose sniffing this morning and they did some exploring in closer proximity in the yard today.
They always do well on walks together and she let him "lean" into her today as they walked. Sweet quirk, he likes to be very close to me or Tasha when we walk.
More to come soon. Here are a few shots of today's adventures.
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